0 x 0 cm, © 2017, niet te koop
Tweedimensionaal | Fotografie | Digitaal onbewerkt

Video still 03:
Empty body imprints. 


The body imprints on the beach are, in this context, also an “action of play” (referring to the artist his child memories, him playing as a child on the beach), which is giving an extra layer and / or insight of that person playing in/with his own body imprint. Besides that is “playing” is an opposite / contrasting action towards the hard working fisherman and seaweed farmers. This is reflecting (and should make us sensitive to the fact) the tourist destination which Zanzibar is, wilts their original inhabitants are too poor to travel (for fun, holiday, etc. but also many times to poor to travel to the nearest hospital!!) and have to work hard as fisherman or the woman who work in the harsh seaweed farming.  It is this contrast and unfairness between "the west" and "Africa" which is not ok.  


For viewing the performance film, klick on this "picture and text" page and you will find the link to You Tube.
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