'The Big 6' chief chair.
Monsanto / DuPont / Syngenta / DOW / BAS-F / Bayer.
The big 6 chemical Multinationals selling seeds and controlling more and more of this market. The artist also put Seed-Co there which states "The African Seed Company" but already 30% of the shares are taken over by a French company Limagrain (logo put on the left there). Like Monstanto took over Dekalb and Cargill and DuPont Pioneer and Pannar and Syngenta took over Zambian company MRI seeds.
These large companies (most of them with only chemical history) are pushing out local knowledge and idea’s, using African (already cultivated there) seeds, (genetically) modify them and put copywrite (and restrictions) on them (without paying for the use of the old knowledge), make the seeds hybrid what also means you can not multiply them as a farmer and force small farmers to also use the companies knowledge, pesticides / herbicides and fertilizers.